The importance of a well fitting bit
Enhancing Your Horse’s Comfort and Performance with the Right Bit Fit
Soon available at Horse and Balance: Trust Equestrian Bits!
The bit plays a crucial role in the communication between rider and horse. An ideal bit is one that the horse accepts willingly, allowing the rider to communicate effectively. However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; every horse and rider pair has unique needs, and it's essential to meet these needs for optimal performance and comfort.
Poorly fitting tack is an often overlooked cause of equine discomfort and subpar performance. A bit, mouthpiece, or bridle that doesn't fit properly, isn't adjusted correctly, or is misused can cause pain, leading to resistance, poor performance, and even injury.
Just as with choosing a bridle, selecting the right bit for your horse is similar to finding the right shoe for a person. What fits one may not fit another. Each horse has unique oral anatomy—some have a thick tongue, others a narrow jaw, while some have a wide but flat tongue or a small mouth with limited space. If you take a moment to examine your horse’s mouth and compare it to other horses in the stable, you'll notice these differences. Beyond anatomical differences, individual preferences also vary. Some horses are extremely sensitive and respond to even the smallest change in tack, while others may be more adaptable.
As with other tack, the bit you choose should suit both you and your horse as a combination. What works for one horse and rider pair may not work for the same horse with a different rider. Some riders have very soft hands, while others have stronger but steady hands, and some maintain intermittent contact. Experience plays a significant role in a rider's ability to maintain stable hands, but even lifelong riders may struggle with consistent contact. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a bit that suits the specific needs of you and your horse as a team. Also, remember that the bridle plays a significant role as well. Usually, it's the combination of the bridle and bit that contributes to a stable and comfortable connection while riding.
Potential Signs of an Ill-Fitting Bit:
- Open wounds or chafing at the corners of the mouth
- Open wounds inside the mouth
- Open wounds in other areas of the mouth
- Leaning on the bit
- Reluctance to take contact
- Excessive grinding
- Pulling the bit out of your hands
- Excessive foaming
- Resistance to flexion on one or both sides
- Tossing or shaking the head
- Sticking out the tongue to one side or getting the tongue over the bit
- Rearing, bucking, bolting, or other severe reactions
- Working behind the bit
- Restlessness with the mouth or inconsistent contact
Health Check:
Before making any changes to your bit, bridle, or saddle, it’s essential to ensure that your horse is in good health. Particularly before trying new bits or adjusting tack, consider the following:- Ensure your horse's teeth are regularly checked by a qualified equine dentist—at least once a year, or twice a year for young horses.
- Check the mouth for any wounds or sores.
- Evaluate pressure points on the horse's head (see our other article for more details).
- Confirm that your horse is in overall good health.
Common Injuries Caused by an Ill-Fitting Bit:
- Mouth Sores and Ulcers: Poorly fitting bits can rub against the horse's lips, tongue, or gums, leading to painful sores or ulcers, which may cause the horse to resist the bit.
- Damage to the Bars of the Mouth: The bars, located between the front teeth and molars, can suffer bruising, fractures, or other injuries if the bit is too harsh or used with excessive force.
- Cuts and Lacerations: Sharp, rough, or poorly maintained bits can cause cuts in the horse's mouth, which can easily become infected if not treated.
- Bruising: Excessive pressure from the bit can bruise sensitive tissues, particularly the tongue and bars of the mouth.
- Tongue Injuries: Tight or severe bits can pinch or cut the tongue, and some horses may try to move their tongue over the bit, leading to further injury.
- Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders: An ill-fitting bit can cause misalignment of the jaw or undue pressure on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), resulting in pain, difficulty eating, or behavioral issues.
- Dental Problems: Over time, a poorly fitting bit can cause abnormal wear on the teeth, particularly the premolars, exacerbating existing dental issues or creating new ones.
- Behavioral Issues: Discomfort from an ill-fitting bit can lead to behavioral changes such as head tossing, rearing, or refusal to take the bit, often as a response to pain.
In addition to these potential issues, a well-fitted bit can also offer significant benefits. For more information on why finding the right bit is so important, read our article on the ten reasons to ensure a properly fitted bit for you and your horse [insert link].
To explore the different bit options available and how they work, click here.
If you need professional help finding the best bit for you and your horse, feel free to contact us. We offer a range of services, including test bits you can try before purchasing, on-site bitting consultations, and online appointments if an in-person visit isn’t possible. To receive specialized help, please fill out the bit and bridle fitting form with as much detail as possible [insert link], and send us videos of you riding your horse with your usual tack.